Picture from tearsinabottle.wordpress.com
Without a doubt, I know that I was not created for ordinary. No way! I'm a vessle of honor in the house of my Lord. And I refuse to settle. You know why? Because settling doesn't make sense; it won't make life easier, safer, more comfortable, or even more stable. In fact, He has reminded me over and over that the best place to be is in the center of His will. Plus, I like danger and adventure too much to live in the safety zone.
I recently read a book that I'm convinced was written just for me for this specific time in my life. It's called *One in a Million: Journey to Your Promised Land* by Pricilla Shirer. Seriously, a must read, ladies! Pricilla mentions that we don't walk through desert times in our lives, rather we walk through the wilderness just as the Israelites did thousands of years ago. The distinction that she made between these two environments absolutely ROCKED my socks right off! A desert is a dry, harsh, hot, unforgiving, dusty, baron land. And, while a wilderness may have stretches that are less than appealing to the eyes and seem impossible to trek, in that very same wilderness you will also find little *pockets of paradise.* Running streams of cool, refreshing water, plush vegetation, rich vibrant colors, shade for the weary traveler.
How fitting that I am in Wyoming visiting my parents right after reading this book. Wyoming is so untouched in so many ways--I absolutely love God's attention to intricate details! My current wilderness is not knowing my future. Will my house sell? Where will I be living? How will I be using my giftings to serve the Lord? When will I become WE? So many dangling questions, yet I'm finding such joy in not knowing all the details because I know that I am going to be taken care of. I know that my worry will not find the answers quicker. And, you know what? The Lover of my soul is giving me little oasis' in the middle of my wilderness: a very understanding, loving boss; a supportive family; an outstanding body of believers to fellowship and travel on this journey with; the opportunity to return to China this summer! And, these are only a few; every day He is showing me how much I am loved and cherished, and how all I have to do is trust--and leap with Him! It's all faith from here on out. I'm truly convinced that His unexpecteds will exceed my expecteds, they ALWAYS do. This wilderness wandering is simply a time for me to grow closer to the One who loves me more than I can even imagine.
To me a desert represents hopelessness, and a wilderness hope. Just think of what's on the other side of your wilderness--Canaan. A land flowing with milk and honey! Let's tackle our wilderness' with hope, trusting that the One who created us will lead us to our very own promised land! Enjoy the wilderness, draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you (James 4:8)! Even if I gain nothing more than a more intimate relationship with my Jesus, this whole wilderness will be well worth the trials. I love you dearly, fellow traveler!