The past couple of church families that I have had the privilege of serving alongside have not had formal alter calls at the end of each service. Instead, during the closing prayer the pastors will say something like, "If you do not know Jesus and you would like to invite Him into your life today will you please slip your hand up. No one's looking around, all heads are bowed and eyes are closed..." This is the part of the prayer when I actually look up... I open my eyes. Now I know that this is done so people don't feel uncomfortable, but I love rejoicing when a new brothers and sisters make the most important decision of their lives! I always get teary eyed, feeling the need to welcome them into the family with a big hug. Today I was sitting on the end of a row right by the door and when I opened my eyes I saw a man two seats in front of me raise his hand. I'm not talking a shy kind of wavy raise. Nope. He had his hand high, he wanted to make his commitment known! After the service I made eye contact with him and gave him a big teary smile. He probably knows that I opened my eyes, but I think he appreciated my knowing smile. My prayer for these new believers is that they tell someone and seek out wise counsel and discipleship and continue to delve deep into knowing the Lord. And, really, that's what we all should be doing...
I've been listening to the new Hillsong Live CD...okay, so I've actually only listened to the entire thing a few times through. I have Rise on repeat. I can't help it--it is speaking so directly to my soul right now. Sometimes I'll think to myself okay, this is the last time but my finger never makes that commitment to press the button and the song starts again. I can't really pick out my favorite part of the song (other than the Ooos), but below is just a teaser. You should check it out, for real!
The universe on its knees
See the stars in surrender
God above kings and queens
Every idol will bend and break
But our God You will never fail
Forever and ever
Remember, dear one, our God will never fail! Press on!