Thursday, May 31, 2012

because I love you

For a month I've wanted to write something profound or funny or post a super easy and yummy salad that I eat pretty much every single day, but most of those posts have found a permanent home in the drafts section, the rest have been deleted altogether. I can't really explain this current season that I'm experiencing--I wouldn't necessarily call it discontentment, but there's definitely an unrest in my soul. A stirring that lingers, yet it's meaning remains a mystery. And, the only answer I'm getting is *because I love you.*

It's not like the whole *because I said so* phrase that adults like to use on kids. There's no pretense or sarcasm; it's not a statement that is trying to prove anything. It's just fact. It's true always. Even in the ever present unanswered prayers, even in my pleading for answers, questioning and doubt, this statement is true. It doesn't need a very much added to the end or a *to the moon and back* because it's infinite, deep and unfathomably good. It needs no explanation because this love soothes completely, beckons, draws in and comforts like no other love. It's His love and it never ends. Never.

And maybe you haven't heard those words in a while. Maybe you can't hear those words over the hurt, sorrow or lies that surround you. Maybe you hear them and it's time for you to accept them. Maybe, just maybe those are the very words that will break the strongholds and set you free.

Receive them today with your palms up and open. It's risky, yes, you might lose that which you're holding so tightly, but just think of all that can be given to you when you are better equipped to handle the  tools designed specifically for you, to accomplish that which you cannot on you own. And, when you find yourself asking why? have I received such peace amidst the chaos of life or unrest in my soul, you might just turn your eyes towards heaven and hear those familiar words..

because I love you..

and find that's all you need to press on.
