Wednesday, October 31, 2012

days of praise

Words. They envelope us everyday. We read them, speak them, hear them, write them. By strategically placing words one beside another we create. And it is in the creating that we release power, making a choice to either tear down or build up. While there are some words that are seemingly meaningless alone, others beckon us to take another glance, dig deeper, find greater meaning.

In early 2012 the Lord whispered courage to me. One night I was looking up name meanings and sat stunned at what I read. Andrea: courageous, brave. I'd only ever known my name to mean [wo]manly, yet at that moment I realized the Lord was inviting me to become more Andrea, more of the woman he created.

One of the ways he is challenging me to take courage is in sharing the sweet truths that he speaks to me in the quiet moments or through words spoken by others. The Word is living and even though the words themselves are familiar the Lord reveals different truths to us when we are ready, refreshing us, encouraging us, teaching us. So, for the month of November I will be sharing about some of the truths that the Lord has been teaching me, some for the first time, others that he is simply bringing to mind again. It is my hope and prayer that these entries will encourage and build you up, inviting you to give him praise in your own circumstances and recognize the ways he is speaking to and teaching you.

Won't you join me in Days of Praise

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


The trees sway in the breeze, releasing their golden leaves. The colorful blanket that covers the ground is too much to resist. Crunching, I kick and twirl through the beautiful bounty. This familiar changing of the seasons is welcomed. Crisp, cool nights, hands clasping hot teacups, sweaters, crackling fires. Yes, fall is good for the soul.

And just as things are constantly changing around me I find that I, too, must be willing to ebb and flow with life's current. Sometimes the waves are calm and I float easily, comfortably; sometimes they are rough, pulling me to my knees in sweet surrender. Help. I'm in over my head. But the truth is, I'm not in over my head. I have a strong anchor of hope to which I cling, a Helper in my very times of need. He saves me, He is Savior. I cry, He comforts. I hurt, He heals. I hide, He seeks. He lifts my head.

Look up. Who will I see treading the waters of life alone? Hopeless. Tired. Scared. It is in the reaching out that I find the goodness of His living water flowing abundantly through me. That truly it is not when I receive, but rather when I give that my cup overfloweth. When I share my blessings that I am rich. When I use my gifts that I feel full. That time in prayer is more energizing than hours of sleep. Knowing that I am only able to give love because I have first received love, perfect love. God's love.

Movement is necessary, change is coming. The old is passing away, new things are beginning. With each step I pull away from the known. Venturing. And, just as the trees prepare for the next season we must too. Is it time to release? Time to harvest? Time to rest? But we mustn't stop, we must always keep moving, changing, growing--breathing Life into that which is dead.