Hope is there even when a wake of hurt and bitterness threatens to remain after a passion has been marred and the heart mishandled. Even when prayers lifted from bended knees appear to have fallen on deaf ears and the silence becomes more unbearable than any noise - hope quietly whispers.
My small hope dared ask for a rainbow. Nothing fancy, just a glimpse of a color band in the clouds. But the mind's expectation paled to the glorious reveal. For when the request had been forgotten the eyes were delighted by the most stunning, double beauty they had ever gazed upon. And days later the gift of another, this time outshining the first, boasting majestically over the city of Denver. Demanding awe. While many saw these rainbows, my heart recognized them as gifts. Promises that prayers had been heard.
(captured while riding through downtown Denver)
Nothing is off limits for awakening hope, nothing big or small. The apology was offered, yet the reality remained. The stinging tears had been held back as long as possible, the silent prayers lifted. A familiar stranger could not have known, yet somehow offered encouragement through a post. A tweet filled with truth and perfectly crafted. Words of hope, as if written specifically for this heart. Timely words reminding the palms to open and offer, as a sacrifice, all the hurts. A reminder to forgive and release love and blessings over the current circumstances. A reminder to turn the eyes' focus toward others.
(a timely tweet from @mattwertz)
Through friends and family, words and nature, (sometimes buried deep), there is beauty in the mess. Things that cause the lip's corners to turn upward. Blessings to count. So, just as the trees are releasing their leaves, let's choose to release the cares, the hurts, the worries. And as the weights of past burdens are released there is freedom, a supernatural intervention giving the natural the ability to look beyond current circumstances and offer compassion and care, to serve others well. To see miracles and wonders beyond belief.
Fall is a time for leaping, spinning, twirling and crunching leaves in favorite boots. A time to give thanks for all that has been and look forward with expectancy toward all that will be. Regardless of where we find ourselves now, let's dare to look beyond ourselves and step into this next season with courage, choosing hope, offering love, changing our world.
(enjoying the beauty of Vail, CO)
God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. (Hebrews 6:18-20a)