With this in mind I found myself recounting Jesus's life. The way he loved. The way he served. The way he emptied himself..for us. Sinners. Jesus, the man. Yet, God. And as my thoughts turned into prayers of how this truth does and should shape the way I live I noticed two men walking across the street. Both of them carrying backpacks bulging with all their earthly possessions, one toting a large dog. I meekly smiled at one of the men and was tempted to look down, turn the radio station, make an "important" phone call, anything really. But why? Why did I want to look away so quickly?
Maybe I could have justified my thinking and not given it a second thought. But the conviction in my heart was to dignify these two. But how? Love your neighbor as yourself. The command surged through my veins. The thoughts were swirling..what can I do now?
You can look them in their eyes and wave.
So simple. So small. But this morning, while I was stopped at a red light and two men and a dog crossed the street in front of me, I waved. As a neighbor would wave to another. With shocked looks, they waved back, smiling from ear to ear. I waved again and fought back the tears threatening to spill over. That was it. No words, no money exchanged, but I know that Jesus was there in that moment. Those men are my neighbors and deserved to be dignified with notice--deep down we all want to know and be known. And, quite honestly, a friendly wave was the very least I could have done, it cost me nothing..
..but created a rich and invaluable learning moment on loving thy neighbor.