This is not a question concerning His existence. Of that I am certain. No, this is a question pleading for help, direction, the *okay, here I am...what's next?* You see, for the past few months, years really, the Lord has been telling me that He has more planned for my life. And to that I say a hearty, *THANK YOU!* I so desire the kind of faith that leads people into the unknown, where they find the very thing that they were created for, their purpose. I want to be a giant, in the faith sort of way. You know why? Because I desire more than just living to live. More than just making it. Just plain more...more of Him and less of me.
I'm in the middle of the largest leap of faith I have ever taken. I put my house on the market back in April, and quit my job while I was in China in July. Why? Out of obedience. Period. I am far too rational, level-headed, and realistic to do such drastic things in the middle of a recession. And, you know what??? I believe He's opened up a door to something really exciting, and pointing me in the direction I've always desired. He's aligning everything and taking care of the smallest of details because He loves me so much deeper and purer than I ever even imagined. It's time!
It's time for me to take my place and step up to the higher calling that He has placed on my life. It's time for me to stop wondering what will happen when I step out. It's time for me to stop worrying about how everything is going to work out. It's time for me to start trusting that the Lord will provide for my every need, just as He always has. It's time for me to start living boldly and loving big. It's time. It's just time.
*Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.* ~Proverbs 3:5-6
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