I've become acutely aware of 3 things about myself lately.
1). I drink too much coffee. (This isn't some sort of confession to stop drinking so much, just more of an observation). Yesterday a coworker approached me and asked, "Andrea, if you had to smell like a coffee shop which one would you choose?" Without a moments hesitation I told him my top 2 Fort Collins coffee shop smell picks. That's a true story. Not sure what's worse, the fact that I had an immediate answer, or the fact that I didn't think this question strange in the least.
2). I don't know the value of a penny. I mean, yesterday alone I walked by 5 of the little guys and didn't even entertain the thought of picking them up. I wasn't worried about the luck, adding them to the my coin stash in my car, (that, quite honestly, I forget about every time I'm paying in cash), or even giving them to a person in need. Nope. I looked right at them and kept on going. Now, maybe someone who needs them more than myself came along and picked them up...I hope.
3). I'm a good girl. And I don't say this in any kind of braggy way. I say it in the sense that I've worked so hard my whole life to be viewed as *good* by everyone, including you, depending so much on myself, my good deeds, my works. I've strived to be seen as nice, respectful, responsible...perfect. I've mentioned this before, and it's just as true today, I'm a recovering perfectionistic people pleaser. Not that being good is a bad thing, but it's terrible when striving for good replaces my reliance upon grace. At the recommendation of a friend I purchased a book on this very topic. I haven't really started the book yet because the Lord has been, and continues to renew my mind in this matter. I'm making 2012 the year that I listen to the voice of the Lord above any other. I'll let you know more about the book once I read it--I think it's going to be a keeper.
Phew. Refinement is tough, isn't it? Thankfully the Lord continues to renew our minds--He never lets go!
In semi-unrelated news, you should follow some of my Aussie tweeple--they're so encouraging and spirit-filled...not to mention I always read their tweets with an Australian accent...and giggle.
Be blessed today, lovely! xox
Yay!! I made an Andrea post!! I feel really special :).