What happens when faith stops posing as a noun and begins to act as a verb should? Going. Doing. Leaping. Believing. When prayers whispered on bended knee are followed by armor bearing warriors ready and willing to fight the good fight. The decision has been made, feet are moving forward. The troops have been loosed.
It is in the daring that the yes is worth the risk even when failure is a possibility. Because, you see, it's not always that what you are doing is wrong, but maybe the wrong lies in what you are not doing. What is failure anyway? And really, is it the failure that you will regret more..or the *what ifs?* Failure is not inevitable, it is not the only possible outcome. For truly it is often in the perceived failures that we find the greatest breakthrough. Perhaps your dream is only a risk away. Are you willing to say yes?
Let start something great. One decision. One step. One day at a time.
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