Three days ago he wrote a book. I didn't know him so I googled him. I bought his book. I read his book.
The penned words were lovely, captivating even. I was hooked - the words were new, yet familiar. There seemed to be an intersection in his words and my thoughts and after some moments I couldn't tell who was sharing and who was thinking, both were feeling. Perhaps that's the beauty of writing that is raw and real and hard and true. It pierces a depth that cannot be measured. It strikes a chord and creates a melody that sings of life and passion and living in the now. A reminder that life is messy and short and beautiful. A reminder that life is precious and meant to be shared.
Our stories very different, yet common threads weave them together. Like fighting to be thankful, with much to be thankful for, and struggling through the reality of deep unmet desires. When tears are shed and moments lost because the one thing missing is the loudest voice of them all. And the have-not wins that round, even if for only a moment. But also the times of deep love, the pouring of oneself into others, encouraging and pressing forward. Of living in community, sharpening one another through the good and bad. The times when love triumphs and is the victor by a landslide.
But mainly the tears. The ones of hurt, of joy, of deep longing, of sadness, of celebration. Perhaps honest and brave, or other less attractive adjectives. But always real.
I am left feeling hopeful. My story is not finished, I have breath in my lungs and dreams yet to realize. And so do you. We have been given the gift of here, of now. We have great opportunities still ahead. Let's link, arm in arm, and press on. Together. Choosing love. Recognizing the privilege to share in the stories of others, and to have others share in our own.
And to Jamie Tworkowski, (founder of TWLOHA), a man I have only met through the Internet, I say thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for the humble strength you seem to selflessly share with others. Inspired I venture on.
Get If You Feel Too Much
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