Thursday, November 17, 2011

blessing or curse?

Hello, dear bloggy friend! You're looking just lovely today. I've had a wonderfully relaxing weekend with some beautiful surprises...the Lord just continues to remind me of His deep, unending love for me. It's both humbling and overwhelming to know that the Creator of the universe is in reckless pursuit of me, and you too! This week I was reminded of the power we hold in our words. I love encouraging and spurring others! I had the honor of encouraging a dear woman that I've been working with for the past few months. She called me crying from a public library restroom. Through prayer and Truth this sister began to realize, yet again, that the Lord has not forgotten her, that He does indeed have a plan and purpose for her life. I love how Proverbs 16:24 describes gentle words as honeycomb, sweetness to the soul. Who doesn't want their words to be described as sweetness to the soul, right?

You know, with our words we speak either life or death, blessing or curse. I don't know about you, but I want to be a life giver, building others up in Truth and encouraging them in their calling. Of course we misuse our words at times, we're human, but, what would it be like if we were more aware and careful with our words? What if we were more careful with our twitters and our facebook status updates? I love reading funny updates, encouraging scripture updates, life updates. I don't like reading complainy, ugly updates. I know it's so easy to complain about that person that just cut you off in traffic, but I challenge you to "hold back your thumbs." We need to know when it's better to tweet nothing at all. An SUV pulled in front of me the other day and the back end was plastered with bumper stickers that reminded me that I need to be praying for not only the man driving the SUV, but the Church in general.

Let's be Joy Givers, speakers of life and Truth. Let's be those little lights that we've been singing about since childhood. May our lives point others towards Christ.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. -Ephesians 4:29

I love this song by Gungor, Beautiful Things:

Be blessed! Be a blessing!

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