Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Jump! I'll catch you! These words were spoken to me as I was standing on the diving board as a young girl. My swimming instructor was loosing her patience with me. Why couldn't I just make the commitment to jump? I wanted to. Really I did, but I just couldn't do it...not then. I was so petrified and her exasperation only upset me more. I was afraid of the water, but more than that I didn't trust her. It was my daddy who taught me how to float on my back and dive into the water. I trusted him, and even though the water was scary I knew he would always be there to catch me.

Jump, my love! I hear this phrase often from the One who knows me best. Sometimes it comes as a whisper, sometimes as a loud shout. Sometimes the jumps require me to overcome pride. Go talk to that man. Give her a call. Apologize for your attitude. At other times the jumps require blind faith. Move to China. Quit your job, even though you do not have another one lined up. Lately, it seems, the Lord is asking me to trust in the *impossible.* Ask and you shall receive. Pray always. This type of leap is the hardest for me because it literally takes me out of the equation. The Lord is teaching me to pray in faith, trust Him completely. Which, honestly, is really beautiful because I'll be able to rejoice and give Him all the praise when He brings these things about in His perfect timing. 

I pray that I will take these seemingly reckless leaps of faith all my days, knowing that the arms I will fall into will always be there to catch me, comfort me, guide me. Remembering that even more than my earthly father, my Heavenly Father will never fail me. I pray that my response, and yours, to His calling will always be a confident, trusting, *Yes, Lord.*

Press on! Keep jumping.

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