Wednesday, June 13, 2012

step 1: refuse the snooze

button, that is. Figuratively speaking. Well, literally too, some of the best moments happen in the quiet and still of the wee hours. This post has a point, promise, but y'all I have so many ideas swimming around in my head right now. Some of them are big, others bigger. And, let's just face it, all of them scare me. Not as in Ahh! I've got a roach crawling up my leg! sort of way. It's the Uh, no. Thanks for thinking of me, but there's just absolutely no way I... sort of way. The kind of fear that prompts me to back away from the ledge, to find refuge in the sure and steady and redirect my trust to my safety net. It's crippling. It's ugly.

Let's further examine the snooze button. It's a convenience that we might use to give us an extra 9 minutes, or so, of *beauty sleep.* We press the little guy as if those last few minutes of precious sleep are going to make all the difference in the world, that because I was able to lay in bed an extra 9 minutes I will be more productive and better rested to take on all that this new day has to store. Now, this little button might be just that for you, I don't know, and I'm in no way condemning the use of the button. By all means, carry on. But in my personal experience, when I press the snooze I feel worse than I did when my alarm first went off 9 minutes before. But it hasn't been the actual snooze button that I've been pushing, but rather the leap of faith spiritual snooze.

The Lord put some new dreams inside of me a while back. I know they're from him because, like I mentioned above, they scare me. They're bigger than me and impossible in my own strength. And so, I've been putting them off, avoiding them, hitting the snooze {repeatedly}. I've been too busy, too tired, too involved in ministry, mixed in with a whole lot of not good enoughs. But finally, this past Sunday afternoon, I took the first step, gave my pen [*ahem* Sharpie that doesn't bleed through paper] over to the Lord and began writing. So, here we go. There's no looking back. Besides, I'm already in over my head.

Is there something you've been hitting the spiritual snooze button for? Wake up and get going. If we don't, the rocks will...
