Friday, February 18, 2011


The purpose of the Church is worship. Secondary only to worship is missions. Why do we have missions? In order that peoples from every tongue, nation and tribe will worship the name of the Lord.

This video moves me to tears every time I watch it.

I love how God has uniquely crafted each culture.
How beautiful the day will be when we all come together before the throne, completing the true worship that God so desires.

After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb...
-Revelation 7:9

Does your heart beat for the nations?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

stay within the lines

Parameters. I'm tired of them!
I've spent most of my life trying to please everyone around me.
Right down to the very way I make my bed!

I'm the one who has boxed myself into this, well...boxed thinking.
I look around at all of these adventurous men and women,
doing mighty work.
Making mistakes...yes, but making impact all the while.

I've really noticed a complacent attitude in my prayer life lately.
Wow! That's hard to admit.
God's tired of my "perfect" prayers.
He wants the raw me, offering meaningful prayers without all the fluff and spiritualization.

He's been teaching me to push the envelope, if you will.
Quitting my job.
Selling my house.
Moving across the country.

And now, He's asking me to trust him with my heart's desires and dreams.
Let go of the control that I think I have, that I don't really have anyway.
Some years ago the Lord impressed extraordinary upon my heart.
You know what? I've had a lot of trouble believing that He has this in store for me.

He's been reminding me that these words were indeed from Him.
And it's now time to step up and believe and receive.
That's right.
He's telling me it's okay for me to receive.
Thank you, sweet Jesus.

Isn't it amazing how the Father uses people, music, nature, art, etc. for His purposes.
I love the heart, vision, mission of this group.
I'm completely blown away with their "realness," honesty and compassion for serving the Lord!

I can't think of anything more attractive than reckless pursuit of the Lord!

God Bless!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Last night my socks were pretty much rocked right off!
I went to church with one of my sweet friends and a master potter spoke.

As you can probably imagine he spoke about how God is our Master Potter, molding us into a vessel fit for Kingdom service. He was actually working with a brick of clay as he spoke. It was so powerful to watch him manipulate and transform the clay into the vase he had envisioned. Needless to say, tears were pouring; I love how God stirs and moves in our lives.

As he was molding this new vessel, he pointed to a vase that he'd created earlier that day. He compared the older vase to believers watching the Lord work in the lives of others. Sure it's exciting, but there is often a longing to be touched again by our Marker, wondering if He has somehow forgotten about us. "I haven't forgotten about you my little vase over there. I see that you're getting a little dry on the top and that's exactly what I wanted to happen. You see, if I'd put the handle on when you were still wet you would've collapsed under the pressure."

Although I knew exactly where he was going with his message it sure enough pierced me right to my soul. Yes, Lord. I realize that you have not forgotten about those dreams and desires that you've put inside of me. Thank you.

He also spoke about the refinement of fire and how the Father can use us even when we are broken, forming us into a new vessel in Him. Oh how I wish you all could have been there! I love the imagery of the Lord being the Potter and us the clay to be molded.

But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand. -Isaiah 64:8

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!
I stole this from a friend's blog. She found it here.

Hearts and Hugs,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Come and knock on my door

Let people know the real you. This was the promise that I unwrapped when I ate my Dove camel chocolate square this afternoon. I'm not so sure that this is a promise as much as a suggestion, good advice maybe. Irregardless, it struck me. How often do I hide behind the face of who I think I should be, of who others think I should be? How often do I stay silent when I'm hurt or upset, afraid that I'll offend someone? How often to I cry in the dark when I should let my feelings be known? Hmmm...the real me.

What does she look like? The real me is passionate, loves and cares more deeply than words can express with a desire for a deeper, purer, more intimate relationship with my Abba. Although I'm easily wounded and bruised, I am fierce with the very things that stir my soul. I am a daughter of the King of Kings. I have been created for something far greater than I can even imagine; "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).

As I think about the woman I am and the areas that the Lord continues to refine, I cannot help but think about the man that He is preparing for me. I can only imagine how strong, passionate and adventurous he is. How willing he is to live a dangerous life for the sake of the Kingdom. How selfless he is in his service, yet unwavering in his beliefs and convictions. A man worthy of my respect, love and affection. Thank you, Lord that I have not settled for someone who is simply good, you've got stellar in store for me. :)

Ladies, don't settle! Wait patiently, pray fervently, for your spiritual leader who will love you as Jesus loves you. Who will stand by your side and fight for you. Who loves the Lord with all of His heart and is even willing to leave his comforts to follow hard after Him.

Amen and amen!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today is a just because kind of bloggity day. One of my dear friends left for Vietnam this morning. I'm going to miss her and definitely planning a visit.

You know who I'm absolutely loving?! Hillsong United!

And not just because of this guy...

although how cool is it when a [good-looking] guy is passionately in love with the Lord?!
With an Australian accent!

Although, let's face meeting famous people = awkward display of disaster.

All of these photos are from here. You should go check it out!

G'day, Mate!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Si me queda la zapatilla, me puedes llamar Cenicienta.

If you know me at all you know I'm incredibly indecisive--I don't like the pressure of having to choose something, especially if I have to choose only one. That pretty much just freaks me right on out!

So it was a major big deal for me to pick my one word for 2011--confidence. No, really. I was overwhelmed with the amount of *good* words to choose from, but the Lord just pierces my heart every time I think about the idea of being confident. So I committed to the word on Monday night--blogged about it and everything. It's official.

By nature, I tend to over analyze things, which normally leads to stress and worry. Not good. Thankfully I serve a gracious and loving Father who tends to just throw me in head first without giving me time to pick apart every little detail in a given situation. He knows I don't always have the confidence to take the first step and He has opened doors for opportunities that I never would have chased on my own.

So, you can imagine my *surprise* when I got into the office and had a voice mail from my boss. I am the point person for our new Spanish Program. Yes, that's right. Spanish. Program. Do I speak Spanish? Nope. I took 3 years of French in High School. Do I completely understand all of my responsibilities in my current role? Absolutely not. I'm learning new things each and every day--asking a lot of questions.

So see, I'm getting a nice start on my word for the year. You know when this program starts? Today. You know when it was decided that I would be the point person? Last night. You know when we are sending our first group of Spanish teachers? This fall.

When I was given all of this information this morning I laughed to myself a bit. And silently prayed for the confidence to carry out this position well. It's so comforting to know that it is not in my own strength that I am able to do any of this amazing work.

I'm so humbled.