Wednesday, February 16, 2011

stay within the lines

Parameters. I'm tired of them!
I've spent most of my life trying to please everyone around me.
Right down to the very way I make my bed!

I'm the one who has boxed myself into this, well...boxed thinking.
I look around at all of these adventurous men and women,
doing mighty work.
Making mistakes...yes, but making impact all the while.

I've really noticed a complacent attitude in my prayer life lately.
Wow! That's hard to admit.
God's tired of my "perfect" prayers.
He wants the raw me, offering meaningful prayers without all the fluff and spiritualization.

He's been teaching me to push the envelope, if you will.
Quitting my job.
Selling my house.
Moving across the country.

And now, He's asking me to trust him with my heart's desires and dreams.
Let go of the control that I think I have, that I don't really have anyway.
Some years ago the Lord impressed extraordinary upon my heart.
You know what? I've had a lot of trouble believing that He has this in store for me.

He's been reminding me that these words were indeed from Him.
And it's now time to step up and believe and receive.
That's right.
He's telling me it's okay for me to receive.
Thank you, sweet Jesus.

Isn't it amazing how the Father uses people, music, nature, art, etc. for His purposes.
I love the heart, vision, mission of this group.
I'm completely blown away with their "realness," honesty and compassion for serving the Lord!

I can't think of anything more attractive than reckless pursuit of the Lord!

God Bless!

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