Wednesday, November 2, 2011

break my heart

Sometimes I wonder why I'm here--here being America, not the proverbial philosophical here. I so badly want to be right there on the front lines, in the trenches...overseas, reaching the unreached. I see those precious little faces from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and I immediately want to GO. I mean, after all, aren't we called to Go and make disciples of all nations? And then I go to a staff meeting where my boss is opening his Bible to the scripture passage that will lead our meeting. *reality check* I am in the trenches. I am fighting the good fight. AND, I have the absolute honor and privilege of helping equip and send others that will touch lives and shine Light all over Asia! I am mobilizing others who together will reach more people than I could alone--I get to be a part, however small that may be, of their work. Without doubt the Lord has called me here to Colorado for this season, long or short, and I am committed to serving him with excellence no matter where I am.

I absolutely love women's ministry--love! My heart overflows with joy when I have the opportunity to listen to the stories of women, pour into their lives, encourage them with truth. You are so deeply loved, dear one. Deeply. Purely. Endlessly loved by the Lord of the Universe, the one who calls you princess. And, you were created for a purpose. It gives me chills just thinking about the power of the spoken Truth. I've seen chains broken, strongholds released and hope restored. Absolutely beautiful! As I've been realizing my heart's passions, the Lord has also stirred in me an urgency for caring for the poor, those imprisoned and without a voice, the abused. I've always felt compassion, yet felt too overwhelmed to do anything. I cannot stand silently any longer. I have resources, I have a voice and I am determined to do something to help put an end to poverty and human trafficking. The numbers are overwhelming, but we can all do something...we, as believers, are called to help the poor, not turn a blind eye. The Bible is full of verses about caring for the poor, verses like Proverbs 31:9, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Who knows where the Lord will lead me in the future. I've said yes to anywhere, anytime, anything, any cost. So, while I'm here in Colorado I will continue to pour into this community, serving and loving the poor, ministering to the precious women of this community and serving as a missionary barista. :)  What are you doing to reach out to the needy around you? I challenge you to do something. Invest into eternity. Step out of your comfort zone. Be Light in the darkness.

Press on and keep fighting the good fight, where ever you are, beloved!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Andrea!!!! You are making a difference. You may never fully realize that, but God is using you in so many ways! Thanks for being obedient to Him.
