Thursday, November 1, 2012

days of praise: water walking

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. -Psalm 32:8

I spent the summer of 2010 leading a group of college students on a trip to China. While it was refreshing to return to a place that is woven into my very being and a privilege to experience China for the first time [again] through their eyes, it was also one of the most spiritually challenging summers of my life. It was the summer that the Lord invited me to experience more of his goodness, requiring my complete trust and obedience in letting go of my security. As I said yes, I felt like Peter stepping out of the boat and onto the water. Pressing the send button for the email containing my resignation letter was the first step. The boat was now behind me, the shore not yet in sight.

When I returned to Alabama I went through times of doubt, feeling the weight and pressure of my fear, drowning in my worries. And then I would cry out to him, allowing his perfect peace to wash over me, steading my feet once again on the water. In saying yes I witnessed miracle after miracle, yet even if he would have kept me in that place of unknown longer, not selling my house or providing my job (in record time) he would still deserve all praise. You see, obedience is risky and requires us to swallow our pride, lay down our own hopes and dreams and step out, to move. Comfort and safety are never guaranteed, but as we march each step of obedience boldly in the name of the Lord we take ground from the enemy, increasing our faith all the while.

In order to say yes to him, we must know his voice, know what he is asking. When we commune with him daily, reading his Word, talking with him and taking time to listen we begin to see him all around us, in everything. And we become like those sheep in John 10:27, the ones who know his voice, the ones he knows, and the ones who follow him. Being obedient to the Lord does not always look rational or wise in the eyes of the world, but it is always worth the cost.

Lord, I pray that we would be a people who praise you with our obedience. Give us wisdom and help us to recognize your voice over the noise and business around us. Draw near to us as we draw near to you and instruct us in the ways we should go.

Is the Lord asking you, in some way, to step out in faith? March on, sweet one. The victory belongs to the Lord.

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